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SY99 Magic Memory Board

Wohmart.COM's SY99 expansion board.

DECromancer provides order fulfillment for Wohmart.COM's SY99 MMB, an 8MB expansion board for the Yamaha SY99 synthesizer.

Please read this important information and these installation instructions before ordering.

DECromancer does not provide support for this product. Please continue to contact Wohmart support with any questions.

Package Options

Prices are in Canadian Dollars!

Orders come with the MMB, CPU, EPROM, EPROM IC socket, and PLCC extractor.

If you don't need the CPU & PLCC extractor, use discount code NOCPU for $50 off at checkout.

If you don't need the EPROM & IC socket, use discount code NOEPROM for $10 off at checkout.

If you only need the MMB, use discount code NOCPUEPROM for $60 off at checkout. You will not receive the CPU, extractor, EPROM or IC socket.